import requests from lxml import html class Scraper: def __init__( self, config ): # the request client, belongs to session even if no "user session" is needed self.client = requests.Session() self.config = config def get_proxies(self): fetch_results = self.client.get( self.config.proxylist_url ) proxy_list = self.Parser.scrape( "proxy_list", fetch_results.content ) return proxy_list class Parser: @staticmethod def scrape( datapoint, text ): cases = { "proxy_list": Scraper.Parser.proxy_list } return cases[ datapoint ]( text ) @staticmethod def proxy_list( text ): proxyTable = html.fromstring( text ) proxyTable_xpath = proxyTable.xpath('//body[@id="mainPage"]/div[@class="container"]/div[@id="content"]/table[@id="searchResult"]/tr/td[@class="site"]/a/text()') for proxy in proxyTable_xpath: print("Available Proxy: {0}".format( proxy ) ) return proxyTable_xpath class SessionError( Exception ): def __init__( self, value ): self.value = value