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#include "Task.h"
Rex - A configuration management and workflow automation tool that
compiles and runs in minimal environments.
© SILO GROUP and Chris Punches, 2020.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "Task.h"
* @class Task_InvalidDataStructure
* @brief Exception thrown when a Task is defined with invalid JSON.
* This exception is derived from the standard runtime_error exception and is thrown
* when a Task object is defined with an invalid JSON structure.
class Task_InvalidDataStructure: public std::runtime_error {
* @brief Constructs a Task_InvalidDataStructure object.
* This constructor creates a Task_InvalidDataStructure object with an error message
* indicating that a task was attempted to be accessed with an invalid data structure.
Task_InvalidDataStructure(): std::runtime_error("Task: Attempted to access a member of a Task that is not set.") {}
* @class Task_NotReady
* @brief Exception thrown when a Task is not ready to be executed.
* This exception is derived from the standard runtime_error exception and is thrown
* when a Task object is not well defined and cannot be executed.
class Task_NotReady: public std::runtime_error {
* @brief Constructs a Task_NotReady object.
* This constructor creates a Task_NotReady object with an error message
* indicating that a task was attempted to be executed but its Unit was not well defined.
Task_NotReady(): std::runtime_error("Task: Attempted to execute a Task whose Unit is not well defined.") {}
* @class TaskException
* @brief Exception thrown for errors related to Tasks.
* This exception is a base class for exceptions related to Tasks and is derived
* from the standard exception class.
class TaskException: public std::exception
* @brief Constructs a TaskException object with a C-style string error message.
* This constructor creates a TaskException object with a C-style string error message.
* The string contents are copied upon construction and the responsibility for deleting
* the char* lies with the caller.
* @param message C-style string error message.
explicit TaskException(const char* message): msg_(message) {}
* @brief Constructs a TaskException object with a C++ STL string error message.
* This constructor creates a TaskException object with a C++ STL string error message.
* @param message The error message.
explicit TaskException(const std::string& message): msg_(message) {}
* @brief Virtual destructor.
* This destructor is virtual to allow for subclassing.
virtual ~TaskException() throw () {}
* @brief Returns a pointer to the error description.
* This function returns a pointer to the error description.
* The underlying memory is in posession of the Exception object and callers must not attempt
* to free the memory.
* @return A pointer to a const char*.
virtual const char* what() const throw () { return msg_.c_str(); }
* @brief Error message.
std::string msg_;
* @class Task
* @brief The building block of a Plan indicating of which Unit to execute and its dependencies.
* The Task class represents a single unit of work in a Plan. It specifies which Unit should be executed
* and any dependencies that must be satisfied before it can be executed.
* @brief Constructor for the Task class.
* This constructor initializes a Task object with a specified log level and creates log and definition objects.
* The task is set as not complete and not defined by default.
* @param LOG_LEVEL The log level for this Task object.
Task::Task( int LOG_LEVEL ):
slog( LOG_LEVEL, "_task_" ),
definition( LOG_LEVEL )
// it hasn't executed yet.
this->complete = false;
// it hasn't been matched with a definition yet.
this->defined = false;
* @brief Loads JSON values into private members.
* This function loads JSON values into the private members of a Task object.
* @param loader_root The Json::Value to populate from.
* @throws Task_InvalidDataStructure if the "name" member is not present in the JSON object.
void Task::load_root(Json::Value loader_root )
if ( loader_root.isMember("name") ) {
this->name = loader_root.get("name", "?").asString();
else {
throw Task_InvalidDataStructure();
// fetch as Json::Value array obj
Json::Value des_dep_root = loader_root.get("dependencies", 0);
// iterate through each member of that obj
for ( int i = 0; i < des_dep_root.size(); i++ ) {
// add each string to dependencies
if ( des_dep_root[i].asString() != "" )
this->dependencies.push_back( des_dep_root[i].asString() );
this->slog.log( E_INFO, "Added dependency \"" + des_dep_root[i].asString() + "\" to task \"" + this->get_name() + "\"." );
* @brief Retrieves the name of the current Task.
* @return The name of the Task as a string.
std::string Task::get_name()
return this->name;
* @brief Loads a unit to a local member. Used to tie Units to Tasks.
* @param selected_unit The unit to attach.
* @param verbose Whether to print to STDOUT.
void Task::load_definition( Unit selected_unit )
this->definition = selected_unit;
this->slog.log( E_INFO, "Loaded definition \"" + selected_unit.get_name() + "\" as task in configured plan.");
this->defined = true;
* @brief Indicates if the task executed successfully.
* @return True if the task completed successfully, false otherwise.
bool Task::is_complete()
return this->complete;
* @brief Marks the task as complete.
void Task::mark_complete()
this->complete = true;
* @brief Returns a pointer to the dependencies vector.
* @return A pointer to the vector containing the task's dependencies.
std::vector<std::string> Task::get_dependencies()
return this->dependencies;
* @brief Indicates if the task has attached its definition from a Suite.
* @return True if the task has a definition, false otherwise.
bool Task::has_definition()
return this->defined;
bool is_abs_path( const std::string &path )
if ( path[0] == '/' )
return true;
return false;
bool abspathExists(const std::string &path) {
if ( is_abs_path( path ) )
struct stat buffer;
return (stat(path.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
} else {
return false;
std::string path_from_str( const std::string &inputString )
std::string result = "";
// Find the position of the first space character in the input string
size_t spacePosition = inputString.find(' ');
// If there is a space in the input string, extract the substring up to the space
if (spacePosition != std::string::npos) {
result = inputString.substr(0, spacePosition);
// Otherwise, just return the entire input string
else {
result = inputString;
return result;
bool createDirectory(const std::string& path) {
// Check if the directory already exists
struct stat info;
if (stat(path.c_str(), &info) == 0 && S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) {
return true; // Directory already exists
// Create the directory recursively
size_t pos = 0;
std::string dir;
while ((pos = path.find_first_of('/', pos + 1)) != std::string::npos) {
dir = path.substr(0, pos);
if (stat(dir.c_str(), &info) != 0) { // Directory does not exist
if (mkdir(dir.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) {
return false; // Failed to create directory
} else if (!S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) {
return false; // Path segment exists but is not a directory
// Create the final directory
if (mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0) {
return false; // Failed to create directory
return true;
bool Task::prepare_logs( std::string task_name, std::string logs_root, std::string timestamp )
std::string full_path = logs_root + "/" + task_name;
bool ret = false;
ret = createDirectory( full_path );
if (ret)
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, "LOG_CREATE", "Logging will be at '" + full_path + "'." );
} else {
this->slog.log_task( E_FATAL, "LOG_CREATE", "Creation of directory path '" + full_path + "' failed." );
return ret;
/// Task::execute - execute a task's unit definition.
/// See the design document for what flow control needs to look like here.
/// \param verbose - Verbosity level - not implemented yet.
void Task::execute( Conf * configuration )
if ( ! this->has_definition() )
throw Task_NotReady();
bool override_working_dir = this->definition.get_set_working_directory();
bool is_shell_command = this->definition.get_is_shell_command();
bool supply_environment = this->definition.get_supply_environment();
bool rectify = this->definition.get_rectify();
bool active = this->definition.get_active();
bool required = this->definition.get_required();
bool set_user_context = this->definition.get_set_user_context();
bool force_pty = this->definition.get_force_pty();
std::string task_name = this->definition.get_name();
std::string command = this->definition.get_target();
std::string shell_name = this->definition.get_shell_definition();
Shell shell_definition = configuration->get_shell_by_name( shell_name );
std::string new_working_dir = this->definition.get_working_directory();
std::string rectifier = this->definition.get_rectifier();
std::string user = this->definition.get_user();
std::string group = this->definition.get_group();
std::string environment_file = this->definition.get_environment_file();
std::string logs_root = configuration->get_logs_path();
this->slog.log_task( E_DEBUG, task_name, "Using unit definition: \"" + task_name + "\"." );
// sanitize all path inputs from unit definition to be either absolute paths or relative to
// project_root
if ( supply_environment )
if (! is_shell_command )
throw TaskException("Garbage input: Supplied a shell environment file for a non-shell target.");
if ( ! active )
throw TaskException("Somehow tried to execute a task with an inactive unit definition.");
if (! is_abs_path( path_from_str( command ) ) )
command = configuration->get_project_root() + "/" + command;
if ( rectify )
if (! is_abs_path( path_from_str( rectifier ) ) )
rectifier = configuration->get_project_root() + "/" + rectifier;
if ( supply_environment )
if (! is_abs_path( environment_file ) )
environment_file = configuration->get_project_root() + "/" + environment_file;
if ( override_working_dir )
if (! is_abs_path( new_working_dir ) )
new_working_dir = configuration->get_project_root() + "/" + new_working_dir;
if (! is_abs_path( configuration->get_logs_path() ) )
logs_root = configuration->get_project_root() + "/" + logs_root;
std::string timestamp = get_8601();
// set these first so the pre-execution logs get there.
* create the logs dir here
if (! this->prepare_logs( task_name, logs_root, timestamp ) )
throw TaskException("Could not prepare logs for task execution at '" + logs_root + "'.");
std::string stdout_log_file = logs_root + "/" + timestamp + ".stdout.log";
std::string stderr_log_file = logs_root + "/" + timestamp + ".stderr.log";
// check if working directory is to be set
if ( override_working_dir )
// if so, set the CWD.
chdir( new_working_dir.c_str() );
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Setting working directory: " + new_working_dir );
if ( is_shell_command )
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Vars file: " + environment_file );
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Shell: " + shell_definition.path );
// a[0] execute target
// TODO ...sourcing on the shell for variables and environment population doesn't have a good smell.
// it does prevent unexpected behaviour from reimplementing what bash does though
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Executing target: \"" + command + "\"." );
int return_code = lcpex(
// **********************************************
// d[0] Error Code Check
// **********************************************
if ( return_code == 0 )
// d[0].0 ZERO
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Target succeeded. Marking as complete." );
// a[1] NEXT
if ( return_code != 0 )
// d[0].1 NON-ZERO
this->slog.log_task( E_WARN, task_name, "Target failed with exit code " + std::to_string( return_code ) + "." );
// **********************************************
// d[1] Rectify Check
// **********************************************
if (! this->definition.get_rectify() )
// d[1].0 FALSE
// **********************************************
// d[2] Required Check
// **********************************************
if (! required )
// d[2].0 FALSE
// a[2] NEXT
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "This task is not required to continue the plan. Moving on." );
} else {
// d[2].1 TRUE
this->slog.log_task( E_FATAL, task_name, "Task is required, and failed, and rectification is not enabled." );
throw TaskException( "Task failed: " + task_name );
// **********************************************
// end - d[2] Required Check
// **********************************************
if ( rectify )
// d[1].1 TRUE (Rectify Check)
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Rectification pattern is enabled." );
// a[4] Execute RECTIFIER
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Executing rectification: " + rectifier + "." );
int rectifier_error = lcpex(
// **********************************************
// d[3] Error Code Check for Rectifier
// **********************************************
if ( rectifier_error != 0 )
// d[3].1 Non-Zero
this->slog.log_task( E_WARN, task_name, "Rectification failed with exit code " + std::to_string( rectifier_error ) + "." );
// **********************************************
// d[4] Required Check
// **********************************************
if ( ! required ) {
// d[4].0 FALSE
// a[5] NEXT
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "This task is not required to continue the plan. Moving on." );
} else {
// d[4].1 TRUE
this->slog.log_task( E_FATAL, task_name, "Task is required, but failed, and rectification failed. Lost cause." );
throw TaskException( "Lost cause, task failure." );
// **********************************************
// end - d[4] Required Check
// **********************************************
// d[3] check exit code of rectifier
if ( rectifier_error == 0 )
// d[3].0 Zero
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Rectification returned successfully." );
// a[7] Re-execute Target
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Re-Executing target '" + command + "'." );
int retry_code = lcpex(
// **********************************************
// d[5] Error Code Check
// **********************************************
if ( retry_code == 0 )
// d[5].0 ZERO
// a[8] NEXT
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "Re-execution was successful." );
} else {
// d[5].1 NON-ZERO
this->slog.log_task( E_WARN, task_name, "Re-execution failed with exit code " + std::to_string( retry_code ) + "." );
// **********************************************
// d[6] Required Check
// **********************************************
if ( ! required )
// d[6].0 FALSE
// a[9] NEXT
this->slog.log_task( E_INFO, task_name, "This task is not required to continue the plan. Moving on." );
} else {
// d[6].1 TRUE
// a[10] EXCEPTION
this->slog.log_task( E_FATAL, task_name, "Task is required, and failed, then rectified but rectifier did not heal the condition causing the target to fail. Cannot proceed with Plan." );
throw TaskException( "Lost cause, task failure." );
// **********************************************
// end - d[6] Required Check
// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// end d[1] Rectify Check
// **********************************************