
309 lines
13 KiB

#include "libclpex_tty.h"
* @brief Safely prints a message and exits the program
* @param msg The message to print
* @param ttyOrig A pointer to a struct termios representing the original terminal settings
* This function takes a message `msg` and a pointer to a struct termios `ttyOrig` as input.
* The function first prints the `msg` to `stderr`.
* Then, it calls `ttyResetExit()` with `ttyOrig` as its argument to reset the terminal settings.
* Finally, the function exits the program with exit code 1.
void safe_perror( const char * msg, struct termios * ttyOrig )
std::cerr << msg << std::endl;
ttyResetExit( ttyOrig );
* @brief Executes the child process
* @param fd_child_stderr_pipe A file descriptor array for the child process's stderr pipe
* @param processed_command An array of char pointers representing the command and its arguments to be executed
* @param ttyOrig A pointer to a struct termios representing the original terminal settings
* @param context_override A flag indicating whether to override the process's execution context
* @param context_user The username to use for the execution context if `context_override` is `true`
* @param context_group The group name to use for the execution context if `context_override` is `true`
* This function takes an array of file descriptors `fd_child_stderr_pipe` for the child process's stderr pipe,
* an array of char pointers `processed_command` representing the command and its arguments to be executed,
* a pointer to a struct termios `ttyOrig` representing the original terminal settings,
* a flag `context_override` indicating whether to override the process's execution context,
* a string `context_user` representing the username to use for the execution context if `context_override` is `true`,
* and a string `context_group` representing the group name to use for the execution context if `context_override` is `true`.
* The function first redirects the child process's stderr to the write end of the stderr pipe.
* If `context_override` is `true`, the function sets the process's execution context using `set_identity_context()`.
* If `context_override` is `false`, the function does nothing.
* Finally, the function executes the command specified in `processed_command` using `execvp()`.
* If the execution of `execvp()` fails, the function calls `safe_perror()` to print a message and exit the program.
void run_child_process( int fd_child_stderr_pipe[2], char * processed_command[], struct termios * ttyOrig, bool context_override, std::string context_user, std::string context_group )
// redirect stderr to the write end of the stderr pipe
// close the file descriptor STDERR_FILENO if it was previously open, then (re)open it as a copy of
while ((dup2(fd_child_stderr_pipe[WRITE_END], STDERR_FILENO) == -1) && (errno == EINTR)) {}
// close the write end of the stderr pipe
close( fd_child_stderr_pipe[WRITE_END] );
// if the user has specified a context override, set the context
if ( context_override )
int context_result = set_identity_context(context_user, context_group);
switch (context_result) {
std::cerr << "lcpex: Aborting: context user not found: " << context_user << std::endl;
std::cerr << "lcpex: Aborting: context group not found: " << context_group << std::endl;
std::cerr << "lcpex: Aborting: Setting GID failed: " << context_user << "/" << context_group << std::endl;
std::cerr << "lcpex: Aborting: Setting UID failed: " << context_user << "/" << context_group << std::endl;
std::cerr << "lcpex: Aborting: Unknown error while setting identity context." << std::endl;
// execute the dang command, print to stdout, stderr (of parent), and dump to file for each!!!!
// (and capture exit code in parent)
int exit_code = execvp( processed_command[0], processed_command );
safe_perror("failed on execvp in child", ttyOrig );
// this does three things:
// - execute a dang string as a subprocess command
// - capture child stdout/stderr to respective log files
// - TEE child stdout/stderr to parent stdout/stderr
int exec_pty(
std::string command,
FILE * stdout_log_fh,
FILE * stderr_log_fh,
bool context_override,
std::string context_user,
std::string context_group,
bool environment_supplied
) {
// initialize the terminal settings obj
struct termios ttyOrig;
// if the user chose to supply the environment, then we need to clear the environment
// before we fork the process, so that the child process will inherit the environment
// from the parent process
if ( environment_supplied ) {
// turn our command string into something execvp can consume
char ** processed_command = expand_env( command );
if ( stdout_log_fh == NULL ) {
safe_perror( "Error opening STDOUT log file. Aborting.", &ttyOrig );
exit( 1 );
if ( stderr_log_fh == NULL ) {
safe_perror( "Error opening STDERR log file. Aborting.", &ttyOrig );
exit( 1 );
// create the pipes for the child process to write and read from using its stderr
int fd_child_stderr_pipe[2];
if ( pipe( fd_child_stderr_pipe ) == -1 ) {
safe_perror( "child stderr pipe", &ttyOrig );
exit( 1 );
// using O_CLOEXEC to ensure that the child process closes the file descriptors
if ( fcntl( fd_child_stderr_pipe[READ_END], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ) == -1 ) { perror("fcntl"); exit(1); }
// // same for stderr write
if ( fcntl( fd_child_stderr_pipe[WRITE_END], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ) == -1 ) { perror("fcntl"); exit(1); }
// status result basket for the parent process to capture the child's exit status
int status = 616;
// start ptyfork integration
char slaveName[MAX_SNAME];
int masterFd;
struct winsize ws;
/* Retrieve the attributes of terminal on which we are started */
if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ttyOrig) == -1)
safe_perror("tcgetattr", &ttyOrig);
if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0)
safe_perror("ioctl-TIOCGWINSZ", &ttyOrig );
pid_t pid = ptyFork( &masterFd, slaveName, MAX_SNAME, &ttyOrig, &ws );
switch( pid ) {
case -1:
// fork failed
safe_perror("ptyfork failure", &ttyOrig );
case 0:
// child process
run_child_process( fd_child_stderr_pipe, processed_command, &ttyOrig, context_override, context_user, context_group );
// parent process
// start ptyfork integration
ttySetRaw(STDIN_FILENO, &ttyOrig);
// The parent process has no need to access the entrance to the pipe
// attempt to write to stdout,stderr from child as well as to write each to file
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
// contains the byte count of the last read from the pipe
ssize_t byte_count;
// watched_fds for poll() to wait on
struct pollfd watched_fds[3];
// populate the watched_fds array
// child in to parent
watched_fds[0].fd = STDIN_FILENO;
watched_fds[0].events = POLLIN;
// child pty to parent (stdout)
watched_fds[1].fd = masterFd;
watched_fds[1].events = POLLIN;
// child stderr to parent
watched_fds[2].fd = fd_child_stderr_pipe[READ_END];
watched_fds[2].events = POLLIN;
// number of files poll() reports as ready
int num_files_readable;
// loop flag
bool break_out = false;
// loop until we've read all the data from the child process
while ( ! break_out ) {
num_files_readable = poll(watched_fds, sizeof(watched_fds) / sizeof(watched_fds[0]), -1);
// after the poll() call, add a check to see if both pipes are closed
if (!(watched_fds[1].events & POLLIN) &&
!(watched_fds[2].events & POLLIN)) {
break_out = true;
if (num_files_readable == -1) {
// error occurred in poll()
safe_perror("poll", &ttyOrig );
if (num_files_readable == 0) {
// poll reports no files readable
break_out = true;
for (int this_fd = 0; this_fd < 3; this_fd++) {
if (watched_fds[this_fd].revents & POLLIN) {
// this pipe is readable
byte_count = read(watched_fds[this_fd].fd, buf, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (byte_count == -1) {
if (errno == EAGAIN) { continue; } else {
// error reading from pipe
safe_perror("read", &ttyOrig );
} else if (byte_count == 0) {
// reached EOF on one of the streams but not a HUP
// we've read all we can this cycle, so go to the next fd in the for loop
} else {
// byte count was sane
// write to stdout,stderr
if (this_fd == 0) {
// parent stdin received, write to child pty (stdin)
write_all(masterFd, buf, byte_count);
} else if (this_fd == 1 ) {
// child pty sent some stuff, write to parent stdout and log
write_all(stdout_log_fh->_fileno, buf, byte_count);
write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, byte_count);
} else if ( this_fd == 2 ){
//the child's stderr pipe sent some stuff, write to parent stderr and log
write_all(stderr_log_fh->_fileno, buf, byte_count);
write_all(STDERR_FILENO, buf, byte_count);
} else {
// this should never happen
perror("Logic error!");
if (watched_fds[this_fd].revents & POLLERR) {
break_out = true;
// if (watched_fds[this_fd].revents & POLLHUP) {
// // this pipe has hung up
// close(watched_fds[this_fd].fd);
// break_out = true;
// break;
// }
if (watched_fds[this_fd].revents & POLLHUP) {
// this pipe has hung up
// don't close the file descriptor yet, there might still be data to read
// instead, remove the POLLIN event to avoid getting a POLLHUP event in the next poll() call
watched_fds[this_fd].events &= ~POLLIN;
// wait for child to exit, capture status
waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
while ((byte_count = read(watched_fds[1].fd, buf, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
write_all(stdout_log_fh->_fileno, buf, byte_count);
write_all(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, byte_count);
while ((byte_count = read(fd_child_stderr_pipe[READ_END], buf, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) {
write_all(stderr_log_fh->_fileno, buf, byte_count);
write_all(STDERR_FILENO, buf, byte_count);
ttyResetExit( &ttyOrig);
if WIFEXITED(status) {
return WEXITSTATUS(status);
} else {
return -617;